"Free Lolita"
This Mural is in homage of Lolita, originally known as Tokitae, the Orca whale that is being held captive for over 45 years in one of the world's smallest
killer whale aquariums at the Miami Seaquarium. The Clandestinos, Bruno Smoky and Shalak Attack, were invited by the production team Upartstudio to work on this Mural in Wynwood, Miami,
for the first "Big Walls, Big Dreams" edition in December 2015.
There are several groups attempting to retire Lolita from her tank that violates Department of Agriculture size regulations at the Miami Seaquarium to a more humane existence. A plan has been proposed by the Orca Network to retire Lolita to a transitional ocean sanctuary in her native habitat in the Pacific Northwest. Please visit the following websites to learn how you can take action to Save Lolita and Fight for her Freedom.
For further information about the artists:
Video Mural process (Diamonds of the Extinction )
By: Clandestinos Brunosmoky & Shalakattack
Toronto, Canada .
Video from the process of my piece for the (3 Bienal Graffiti Fine Art)
video by: Clandestinos
Sao Paulo. Brasil . 2015